June 10, 2007

Here Rests in Honored Glory a United States Marine

As I had mentioned, I received my Fourth Degree in the Knights of Columbus yesterday after impressive all day ceremonies. I can't go into details, but one of the highlights was a Mass given at 4pm which was celebrated by Fr. Jim Mazzone, the young Vocations Director of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester. Fr. Mazzone gave one of the most stirring and spiritually uplifting homilies that I've ever heard.

One of the things that I learned was that the Massachusetts Fourth Degree (the K of C's highest and "patriotic" degree) will be undertaking a special project this winter in assisting with the laying of approximately 2,500 wreaths on the graves at the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne. The wreath laying will be undertaken on December 15 and will be completed by noon that day, simultaneous with the commencement of a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. I will be especially honored to participant in this project as a new Fourth Degree Knight, as my parents are buried in the National Cemetery in Bourne.

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