January 2, 2011

W1WH's New Years Resolutions

Some of my New Year's resolutions for 2011: getting skinny and speedy...

1. I'm going to get serious about losing some weight.  Going to start up with WeightWatchers (again) and am reading - and plan to put into practice - The Abs Diet  by David Zinczenko.  (Not sure if I was ever actually issued abs, but Zincenko assures me I was.) 

2. Finally, finally, after over 30 years of hamming, I'm going to get serious about building my morse code receiving speed.  Going to get down to basics using the Koch method in concert with the G4FON Morse Trainer.  (For those interested, there are two primary schools of thought regarding the learning of Morse code.  The Farnsworth method involves sending individual characters at a fairly high rate of speed, while using slower intervals between characters.  The Koch method takes a different approach - it starts off with just two characters at predetermined speeds and gradually introduces an additional character after the user successfully copies 90% of the preceding set.  Which one works best?  That's an open debate and seems to depend upon the individual.  I learned Morse code over 30 years ago, but am trying the Koch method (at least initially) to increase my speed...may switch to Farnsworh as I progress.  By the way, if you're just beginning to learn the code, be sure to never, never, associate characters with visual dots and dashes - you must associate characters with their sounds, "dits" and "dahs".)