As I mentioned a few days ago, I've been playing around with the latest iteration of Ham Radio Deluxe, and I must say again, it is a tour de force piece of software. In addition to the fantastic computer control of my Icom 746 Pro, I've been using DM-780, HRD's digital interface, to work a variety of digital modes plus analog slow scan television (SSTV). What really impresses me though are the improvements made to the HRD logbook in the current beta version of HRD - to the point where HRD Logbook has become my main operating log. The tools (QSL records, etc.) available on this thing are amazing!
In addition to HRD Logbook, I've discovered HRD, a companion site offered by Claudio, IW1QLH which uses data linked from HRD Logbook.
Nice job, Claudio. Oh yeah, did I mention that HRD (like Ham Radio Deluxe) is free? Claudio does accept justly deserved donations through his site though, and yes - I did make a contribution!
Nice job, Claudio. Oh yeah, did I mention that HRD (like Ham Radio Deluxe) is free? Claudio does accept justly deserved donations through his site though, and yes - I did make a contribution!
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page on this blog, you should see some of my recent QSOs logged directly from my HRD Logbook through HRD